Privacy-Friendly Alternative To Video Platforms

Event Anywhere Team
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Do you ever feel like your every move, word, and thought is being tracked online?

Unwanted intrusion and excessive data collection are two of the biggest privacy issues faced by people on the world wide web.

In the last several years, more and more companies are realizing just how valuable customer data can be. And with the advent of Big Data, many are exploiting loopholes in privacy laws to profit from internet users’ information.

You might not know it, but several websites and/or apps are probably collecting your information at this very moment. Some data collection activities are harmless, but you certainly want to protect yourself from potentially harmful privacy issues, especially when it comes to the tools you use every day for learning, socializing, and working.

That said, popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams have had their fair share of privacy-related issues. And when you use such platforms daily, the thought of your data being compromised can be downright alarming.

Tired of worrying about being tracked online? We can help.


Zoom’s privacy issues

You might have heard of a controversy surrounding Zoom that came to light in 2020. Reports of Zoom Bombing flooded news pages and exposed how easy it was for pranksters to infiltrate and disrupt certain Zoom meetings.

What’s more, security experts who looked deeper into Zoom’s architecture found issues in its end-to-end encryption. Said experts also pointed out that Zoom’s privacy policies had ambiguities that made it alright for them to use their users’ data as they please.

Although Zoom had taken steps to address these issues, it’s still worrying how vulnerable such a big platform can be, especially one that’s skyrocketed to fame because of the pandemic. 


MS Teams and Google Meet collect more of your data than you think

But what about the two popular Zoom alternatives, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft has made a big deal about how their platform offers better security and privacy than Zoom. Still, it’s not all rainbows and butterflies, at least according to Consumer Reports.

After examining the privacy policies of Google Meet and Microsoft Teams, Consumer Reports (CR) found that these video conferencing tools are collecting more data than you realize.

At this point, it’s already a given that most of the tools you use are probably collecting some of your information. If you tend to tick “agree” when presented with a link to a site’s T&C without reading it, then you’re even doing your part in giving some of your data away. However, what CR found concerning is that Teams’ and Meet’s policies allow their respective parent companies to build and maintain your personal profile, and potentially even use your videos to train facial recognition systems.


Event Anywhere: a better, more privacy-focused alternative

Event Anywhere is a video conferencing and virtual events platform that puts security and user privacy front and center. We are not Microsoft, Google, or Zoom. We don’t aim to profit off of your personal information or use your videos for any purpose other than to enable you to use our services. 

Event Anywhere proudly complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Our platform is packed to the brim with useful features, which you will get to enjoy without worrying about your privacy.

Thriving in the pandemic doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your data in exchange for services. Regardless of your use case—whether it be for virtual conferences, workshops, networking events, seminars, learning sessions, or exhibitions—you can rest assured that your data is safe with us.


Need a safe, convenient, and feature-rich video conferencing platform?

You’ll get all these with Event Anywhere.

Speak with our virtual event consultants by requesting a demo today. They will help you get started with the platform and demo how you can use our virtual events management solution to host safe, successful, and headache-free events online.