The New Gmail Interface

Event Anywhere Team
Updated on

This week Google has been gradually rolling out their all in one interface for a new Gmail. Whether you are on the web or accessing Gmail via the mobile app you may have noticed that in addition to email inbox functionality they have combined chat, rooms and meetings.

This is part of Google strategy to move users away from Google Hangouts and into Google Meet and Google Chat. The new Gmail interface allows you to access email, chat, group chat and video meetings all from the one platform minimising the number of clicks. In other words it makes your inbox even stickier than it already was. This will provide tough competition to Slack who offer group chat and video calls but don’t have the email functionality.

As I saw Google rollout their new Gmail interface it brought a smile to my face. Since 2016 we have been building out a new innovative video first platform. Looking at the navigation bar of Event Anywhere It is strikingly similar to the new Gmail interface.

Event Anywhere gives you options for inbox, chat, groups, and meetings. Where Gmail takes a text first approach Event Anywhere is video first. The mission of Event Anywhere is to make online events more personable. Event Anywhere goes beyond virtual events and allows you to build out online communities.

Features such as the live stage, networking and the exhibition hall brings users together whilst online. The live stage is ideal for keynote speeches when it comes to external virtual events or for town hall presentations for internal get-togethers. Networking recreates how you would bump into people either at a real life event or at the corridors by the water cooler in the office. The exhibition hall offers the ability to move between breakout rooms by moving between particular tables and chairs.

Whilst Gmail and Event Anywhere are quite different platforms in terms of what they are trying to achieve there are commonalities. Both platforms take an all in one platform approach which bundles functionality together rather than debundling it. It used to be fashionable a few years ago to debundle your apps and software and provide integrations. There is now a trend towards all in one software such as Notion which combines blogs, wikis, sheets and ticketing together. All in one platforms gives users more reasons to stay on your app.

If you love what Google has done with the new Gmail interface then you will love Event Anywhere. Both platforms can be used for strengthening relationships, communicating digitally and bolstering productivity. The key difference is Event Anywhere is designed for extroverts who prefer a video first or a voice first approach. Gmail is designed for the keyboard warriors who prefer to type.

You can learn more about Event Anywhere by visiting our website below and giving the platform a test drive. Event Anywhere will allow you to build communities both outside and inside your organisation.