How to Create a Virtual Event Schedule

Event Anywhere Team
Updated on

The Purpose of Your Event

Your virtual event schedule curation depends on the type of event you’re running and its aims and objectives. Your event schedule drives the audience’s participation and sets the agenda. Ensuring the running order, timings, content, and session types are fit for purpose will set you up for event success.

Event Anywhere allows you to create schedules for meet-ups, virtual conferences, workshops, virtual career fairs, and everything in between. Your events can be outward-looking or serve your staff internally. Events between 60 minutes and 120 minutes work best as they leave the audience wanting more. Virtual events which last 2 hours are best served with 15-minute or 30-minute sessions. You can have sessions for 45 minutes and 1 hour but this will present challenges when it comes to audience engagement.

The Schedule

After users have logged in to the Event Anywhere platform we recommend that your first item on the schedule is a welcome on the live stage. Your 15-minute welcome can introduce speakers or simply walk through the up-and-coming schedule.

Example Schedule on Event Anywhere

Example Schedule on Event Anywhere


The Expo Hall – Networking and Virtual Booths

If your event is focused on networking send users to networking sessions and to the expo hall. On the other hand, if you are focusing on talks and presentations then live stage sessions will provide the best solution.

Event Anywhere participants at virtual booths in the expo hall

Event Anywhere participants at virtual booths in the expo hall


The Live Stage – Talks and Presentations

Typically virtual events will have a series of talks and presentations on the live stage. These presentations can be solo talks, fireside chats, panel discussions, and live Q&A. The virtual event live stage also allows real-time Q&A with presenters. The presenters are able to see the chat transcript so they not only hear the questions but have context around them.

Event Anywhere offers multiple stages to enable different tracks on your schedule giving participants further choice. Event Anywhere supports up to 5 live stages running at any one time.

Regular users cannot enter the live stage but see a video stream of presenters, hosts, and panel members. Only presenters can enter the live stage alongside administrators. There is a green room for event organizers and presenters to warm up be for they go live.

Live Stage on Event Anywhere

Example of the Live Stage on Event Anywhere with live chat and polls


Whilst we recommend that most virtual events last no more than two hours and are held frequently to build a community you can have your event run over a number of days or an entire week. In order to create an event over multiple days simply add further days using the schedule builder. Event analytics track attendance on the live stage, meeting rooms, expo hall, and networking sessions. These insights can then be used for further event planning and promotion.


How to Create a Virtual Event Schedule – 4 Simple Steps

1. Administer

Click on the admin settings cog

2. Schedule

Click on the Schedule

3. Create a Day for your event (you can create your event over multiple days by adding more than one day)

Give your day a title and a date.

4. Add Session

Start by adding your first session this is usually a welcome on the live stage. Choose your session type, title with a start and end time.

Keep adding subsequent sessions until you are happy with your event schedule. All session titles and timings can be edited and re-ordered if changes are needed.

You can edit event session titles, dates, and times once you have your draft schedule completed


That’s it you’ve created your event schedule. All you have to do now is promote your event. You can share your event URL on email and social media channels. Click the Share Event button to copy your virtual event URL.

Get Started and Create an Event with Event Anywhere here.

How to sign up for Event Anywhere

Good luck and I hope you found this useful.

PS Event Anywhere is free for 100 people for 8 hours.

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