Open days, parent’s evenings, teacher training, and assemblies – we take a closer look at the Event Anywhere use cases for schools

Event Anywhere Team
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Event Anywhere is the virtual events platform that enables your school to build an online community. 

Small meetings and events can work on platforms like Zoom, but once you get over 20 people, you may want to look at a more sophisticated and feature-rich platform.

With everything from virtual meeting rooms, a live stage and virtual school halls, Event Anywhere, let’s host and schedule more virtual events that are much more engaging.

Below are just a few use cases to demonstrate how your school could use Event Anywhere for your next virtual event.

Event Anywhere use cases for schools

School Open Days

Now is an important time of year for schools, when many parents are choosing schools for their children. Given the current circumstances, schools are likely to be unable to have open days for at least another 12 months.

The Head Teacher can host a one-to-many introduction talk on the live stage, perhaps leading to Heads of Year or department heads hosting their own meetings to discuss children’s curriculum and experiences in the school.

For more ad hoc and authentic discussions, parents and teachers can speak in the virtual school hall, simply taking a seat at a table to join the conversation.

Parents Evening

The Parents Evening on Event Anywhere would be a very similar experience to a Virtual Open Day, with Headteachers and Department Heads able to present one-to-many via the live stage and host meetings, and have breakout discussions and networking in the virtual school hall.

One key difference would be the ability to book individual meetings with parents and their children’s teachers – these would be a completely private discussion able to be scheduled in advance by your staff.

Teacher Training Days

Teacher Training Days in a virtual world could undoubtedly be more effective using Event Anywhere.

Presenting to large audiences from the main stage is a great way to deliver training. It allows your audience to ask questions via chat without interrupting the flow of the sessions.

Teachers can then join each other for breakout sessions in the virtual school hall. Attendees, trainers, and Department Heads can join together for discussions, offering an opportunity to ask further questions in a more intimate and interactive setting.

Assemblies and School Celebrations

Organising a school assembly for 200 pupils online is challenging when using traditional meeting software. 

Streaming video from a live stage reduces some of the pupil management issues, it allows the teacher leading the assembly to stream their presentation. Pupils can see the assembly presenter but do not have the distraction of seeing other pupils inside their homes, which is essential for safeguarding.

Event Anywhere can offer so much more functionality to help schools host Virtual Events. Speak to one of our EdTech Consultants to find out more.

Next steps

Event Anywhere is an all-in-one virtual events platform that makes online events more personal.

It has all the features and functionality needed to make your future events a success, offering an end-to-end solution that makes organizing and running virtual events a breeze.

Planning a virtual event right now? Speak with our virtual event consultants who are on-hand to help get you started with Event Anywhere.